Tratado quinto
Cómo Lázaro se asentó con un buldero, y de las cosas que con él pasó
V. How Lazaro Went to Work for a Pardoner and the Things That Happened to Him Then

En el quinto por mi ventura di, que fue un buldero, el más desenvuelto y desvergonzado, y el mayor echador de ellas que jamás yo vi ni ver espero, ni pienso nadie vio, porque tenía y buscaba modos y maneras y muy sutiles invenciones.
As luck would have it, the fifth one I ran into was a seller of papal indulgences. He was arrogant, without principles, the biggest hawker of indulgences that I've ever seen in my life or ever hope to see--and probably the biggest one of all time. He had all sorts of ruses and underhanded tricks, and he was always thinking up new ones.

En entrando en los lugares do habían de presentar la bula, primero presentaba a los clérigos o curas algunas cosillas, no tampoco de mucho valor ni sustancia: una lechuga murciana, si era por el tiempo, un par de limas o naranjas, un melocotón, un par de duraznos, cada sendas peras verdiñales. Así procuraba tenerlos propicios, porque favoreciesen su negocio y llamasen sus feligreses a tomar la bula. Ofreciéndosele a él las gracias, informábase de la suficiencia de ellos.

When he'd come to a place where he was going to sell these pardons, first he'd give the priests and the other clergy some presents--just little things that really weren't worth much: some lettuce from Murcia; a couple limes or oranges if they were in season; maybe a peach; some pears--the kind that stay green even after they're ripe. That way he tried to win them over so they'd look kindly on his business and call out their congregation to buy up the indulgences. When they thanked him, he'd find out how well educated they were.

Si decían que entendían, no hablaba palabra en latín por no dar tropezón; mas aprovechábase de un gentil y bien cortado romance y desenvoltísima lengua. Y si sabía que los dichos clérigos eran de los reverendos, digo que más con dineros que con letras y con reverendas se ordenan, hacíase entre ellos un santo Tomás, y hablaba dos horas en latín, a lo menos que lo parecía, aunque no lo era.
If they said they understood Latin, he wouldn't speak a word of it so they couldn't trip him up; instead he'd use some refined, polished-sounding words and flowery phrases. And if he saw that these clerics were "appointed reverends"--I mean that they bought their way into the priesthood instead of by going through school- -he turned into a Saint Thomas, and for two hours he'd speak Latin. Or, at least, something that sounded like Latin even if it wasn't.

Cuando por bien no le tomaban las bulas, buscaba cómo por mal se las tomasen. Y para aquello hacía molestias al pueblo, y otras veces con mañosos artificios. Y porque todos los que le veía hacer sería largo de contar, diré uno muy sutil y donoso, con el cual probaré bien su suficiencia.
When they wouldn't take his pardons willingly, he'd try to find some underhanded way to get them to take them. To do that, he'd sometimes make a nuisance of himself, and other times he'd use his bag of tricks. It would take too long to talk about all the things I saw him do, so I'll just tell about one that was really sly and clever, and I think that will show how good he was at it.

En un lugar de la Sagra de Toledo había predicado dos o tres días, haciendo sus acostumbradas diligencias, y no le habían tomado bula ni, a mi ver, tenían intención de tomársela. Estaba dado al diablo con aquello y, pensando qué hacer, se acordó de convidar al pueblo para otro día de mañana despedir la bula.
In a place called Sagra, in the province of Toledo, he'd been preaching for two or three days, trying his usual gimmicks, and not one person had bought an indulgence, and I couldn't see that they had any intention of buying any. He swore up and down, and trying to think of what to do, he decided to call the town together the next morning so he could try to sell all the pardons.

Y esa noche, después de cenar, pusiéronse a jugar la colación él y el alguacil. Y sobre el juego vinieron a reñir y a haber malas palabras. Él llamó al alguacil ladrón y el otro a él falsario. Sobre esto, el señor comisario, mi señor, tomó un lanzón, que en el portal do jugaban estaba. El alguacil puso mano a su espada, que en la cinta tenía. Al ruido y voces que todos dimos, acuden los huéspedes y vecinos, y métense en medio.

And that night, after supper, he and the constable began to gamble to see who would pay for the meal. They got to quarreling over the game, and there were heated words. He called the constable a thief, and the constable called him a swindler. At that point my master, the pardoner, picked up a spear that was lying against the door of the room where they were playing. The constable reached for his sword, that he kept at his side. The guests and neighbors came running at the noise and shouting we all began to make, and they got in between the two of them to break it up.

Y ellos, muy enojados, procurándose de desembarazar de los que en medio estaban, para matarse. Mas, como la gente al gran ruido cargase, y la casa estuviese llena de ella, viendo que no podían afrentarse con las armas, decíanse palabras injuriosas, entre las cuales el alguacil dijo a mi amo que era falsario y las bulas que predicaba eran falsas.
Finalmente, que los del pueblo, viendo que no bastaban a ponellos en paz, acordaron de llevar al alguacil de la posada a otra parte.

Both men were really mad, and they tried to get away from the people who were holding them back so they could kill each other. But since those people had come swarming in at all the noise, the house was full of them, and when the two men saw that they couldn't use their weapons they began to call each other names. And at one point the constable said my master was a swindler and that all the pardons he was selling were counterfeit. Finally, the townspeople saw that they couldn't make them stop, so they decided to get the constable out of the inn and take him somewhere else.

Y así quedó mi amo muy enojado. Y, después que los huéspedes y vecinos le hubieron rogado que perdiese el enojo y se fuese a dormir, se fue y así nos echamos todos.
And that made my master even madder. But after the guests and neighbors pleaded with him to forget about it and go home to bed he left, and then so did everyone else.

La mañana venida, mi amo se fue a la iglesia y mandó tañer a misa y al sermón para despedir la bula. Y el pueblo se juntó, el cual andaba murmurando de las bulas, diciendo cómo eran falsas y que el mismo alguacil, riñendo, lo había descubierto. De manera que, atrás que tenían mala gana de tomalla, con aquello del todo la aborrecieron.
The next morning my master went to the church and told them to ring for mass so he could preach and sell the indulgences. And the townspeople came, muttering about the pardons, saying that they were forgeries and that the constable himself had let it out while they were quarreling. So, if they hadn't wanted to take any pardons before, they were dead set against it now.

El señor comisario se subió al púlpito, y comienza su sermón y a animar la gente que no quedasen sin tanto bien y indulgencia como la santa bula traía.
Estando en lo mejor del sermón, entra por la puerta de la iglesia el alguacil y, desque hizo oración, levantóse y, con voz alta y pausada, cuerdamente comenzó a decir:

The pardoner went up to the pulpit and began his sermon, trying to stir up the people, telling them that they shouldn't be without the blessings and the forgiveness that would come to them by buying the indulgences.

When he was into the sermon in full swing, the constable came in the church door, and after praying he got up, and with a loud and steady voice he began to speak very solemnly:

-Buenos hombres, oídme una palabra, que después oiréis a quien quisierdes. Yo vine aquí con este echacuervo que os predica, el cual me engañó, y dijo que le favoreciese en este negocio, y que partiríamos la ganancia. Y agora, visto el daño que haría a mi conciencia y a vuestras haciendas, arrepentido de lo hecho, os declaro claramente que las bulas que predica son falsas, y que no le creáis ni las toméis y que yo, directe ni indirecte, no soy parte en ellas, y que desde agora dejo la vara y doy con ella en el suelo.
"My fellow men, let me say a word; afterward, you can listen to whoever you like. I came here with this swindler who's preaching. But he tricked me: he said that if I helped him in his business, we'd split the profits. And now, seeing how it would hurt my conscience and your pocketbooks, I've repented of what I've done. And I want to tell you openly that the indulgences he's selling are forgeries. Don't believe him and don't buy them. I'm not involved with them any longer--either in an open or a hidden way--and from now on I'm giving up my staff, the symbol of my office, and I throw it on the ground so that you'll see I mean it.

Y, si en algún tiempo éste fuere castigado por la falsedad, que vosotros me seáis testigos cómo yo no soy con él ni le doy a ello ayuda; antes os desengaño y declaro su maldad. -Y acabó su razonamiento.

And if sometime in the future this man is punished for his cheating, I want you to be my witnesses that I'm not in with him and I'm not helping him, but that I told you the truth--that he's a double-dealing liar."

And he finished his speech.

Algunos hombres honrados que allí estaban se quisieron levantar y echar al alguacil fuera de la iglesia, por evitar escándalo; mas mi amo les fue a la mano y mandó a todos que, so pena de excomunión, no le estorbasen; mas que le dejasen decir todo lo que quisiese. Y así, él también tuvo silencio mientras el alguacil dijo todo lo que he dicho. Como calló, mi amo le preguntó si quería decir más que lo dijese. El alguacil dijo:

When he'd started, some of the respectable men there wanted to get up and throw the constable out of church so there wouldn't be any scandal. But my master stopped them and told them all not to bother him under penalty of excommunication. He told them to let him say anything he wanted to. So while the constable was saying all that, my master kept quiet, too.

When he stopped speaking, my master told him if he wanted to say anything more he should go ahead.

-Harto hay más que decir de vos y de vuestra falsedad; mas por agora basta.
El señor comisario se hincó de rodillas en el púlpito y, puestas las manos y mirando al cielo, dijo así:

And the constable said, "I could say plenty more about you and your dirty tricks, but I've said enough for now." Then the pardoner knelt down in the pulpit, and with his hands folded, and looking up toward heaven, he said:

-Señor Dios, a quien ninguna cosa es escondida, antes todas manifiestas, y a quien nada es imposible, antes todo posible: tú sabes la verdad y cuán injustamente yo soy afrentado. En lo que a mí toca, yo le perdono, porque tú, Señor, me perdones. No mires a aquél, que no sabe lo que hace ni dice; mas la injuria a ti hecha te suplico, y por justicia te pido no disimules. Porque alguno que está aquí, que por ventura pensó tomar aquesta santa bula, y dando crédito a las falsas palabras de aquel hombre, lo dejará de hacer.

"Lord God, to Whom nothing is hidden and everything is manifest, for Whom nothing is impossible and everything is possible, Thou knowest the truth of how unjustly I have been accused. In so far as I am concerned, I forgive him so that Thou, Oh Lord, may forgive me. Pay no attention to this man who knows not what he says or does. But the harm that has been done to Thee, I beg and beseech Thee in the name of righteousness that Thou wilt not disregard it."Because someone here may have been thinking of taking this holy indulgence, and now, believing that the false words of that man are true, they will not take it.

Y pues es tanto perjuicio del prójimo, te suplico yo, Señor, no lo disimules; mas luego muestra aquí milagro, y sea de esta manera: que, si es verdad lo que aquél dice y que yo traigo maldad y falsedad, este púlpito se hunda conmigo y meta siete estados debajo de tierra, do él ni yo jamás parezcamos; y, si es verdad lo que yo digo y aquél, persuadido del demonio, por quitar y privar a los que están presentes de tan gran bien, dice maldad, también sea castigado y de todos conocida su malicia.
And since that would be so harmful to our fellow men, I beg Thee, Lord, do not disregard it; instead, grant us a miracle here. Let it happen in this way: if what that man says is true--that I am full of malice and falseness--let this pulpit collapse with me in it and plunge one hundred feet into the ground, where neither it nor I shall ever be seen again. But if what I say is true--and he, won over by the devil to distrain and deprive those who are here present from such a great blessing--if he is saying false things, let him be punished and let his malice be known to all."

Apenas había acabado su oración el devoto señor mío, cuando el negro alguacil cae de su estado y da tan gran golpe en el suelo que la iglesia toda hizo resonar, y comenzó a bramar y echar espumajos por la boca y torcella, y hacer visajes con el gesto, dando de pie y de mano, revolviéndose por aquel suelo a una parte y a otra. El estruendo y voces de la gente era tan grande, que no se oían unos a otros. Algunos estaban espantados y temerosos. Unos decían: «El Señor le socorra y valga». Otros: «Bien se le emplea, pues levantaba tan falso testimonio».

My reverent master had hardly finished his prayer when the crooked constable fell flat on his face, hitting the floor so hard that it made the whole church echo. Then he began to roar and froth at the mouth and to twist it and his whole face, too, kicking and hitting and rolling around all over the floor.

The people's shouts and cries were so loud that no one could hear anyone else. Some were really terrified. Other people were saying, "God help him." And others said, "He got what was coming to him. Anyone who lies like he did deserves it."

Finalmente, algunos que allí estaban, y a mi parecer no sin harto temor, se llegaron y le trabaron de los brazos, con los cuales daba fuertes puñadas a los que cerca de él estaban. Otros le tiraban por las piernas y tuvieron reciamente, porque no había mula falsa en el mundo que tan recias coces tirase. Y así le tuvieron un gran rato. Porque más de quince hombres estaban sobre él y a todos daba las manos llenas y, si se descuidaban, en los hocicos.
Finally, some of the people there (even though I think they were really afraid) went up to him and grabbed hold of his arms, while he was swinging wildly at everyone around him. Other people grabbed his legs, and they really had to hold him tight because he was kicking harder than a mule. They held him down for quite a while. There were more than fifteen men on top of him, and he was still trying to hit them; and if they weren't careful he would punch them in the nose.

A todo esto el señor mi amo estaba en el púlpito de rodillas, las manos y los ojos puestos en el cielo, transportado en la divina esencia, que el planto y ruido y voces, que en la iglesia había, no eran parte para apartalle de su divina contemplación.
Aquellos buenos hombres llegaron a él y, dando voces le despertaron y le suplicaron quisiese socorrer a aquel pobre que estaba muriendo y que no mirase a las cosas pasadas ni a sus dichos malos, pues ya dellos tenía el pago; mas, si en algo podría aprovechar para librarle del peligro y pasión que padecía, por amor de Dios lo hiciese, pues ellos veían clara la culpa del culpado y la verdad y bondad suya, pues a su petición y venganza el Señor no alargó el castigo.

All the time that master of mine was on his knees up in the pulpit with his hands and eyes fixed on heaven, caught up by the Holy Spirit. And all the noise in the church--the crying and shouting--couldn't bring him out of that mystical trance.

Those good men went up to him, and by shouting they aroused him and begged him to help that poor man who was dying. They told him to forget about the things that had happened before and the other man's awful words because he had been paid back for them. But if he could somehow do something that would take that man out of his misery and suffering, to do it--for God's sake--because it was obvious that the other man was guilty and that the pardoner was innocent and had been telling the truth, since the Lord had shown His punishment right there when he'd asked for revenge.

El señor comisario, como quien despierta de un dulce sueño, los miró y miró al delincuente y a todos los que alrededor estaban, y muy pausadamente les dijo:
-Buenos hombres, vosotros nunca habíades de rogar por un hombre en quien Dios tan señaladamente se ha señalado; mas, pues Él nos manda que no volvamos mal por mal y perdonemos las injurias, con confianza podremos suplicarle que cumpla lo que nos manda, y Su Majestad perdone a éste que le ofendió poniendo en su santa fe obstáculo. Vamos todos a suplicalle.
The pardoner, as if waking from a sweet dream, looked at them and looked at the guilty man and all the people there, and very slowly he said to them: "Good men, you do not need to pray for a man in whom God has given such a clear sign of Himself. But since He commands us not to return evil for evil and to forgive those who harm us, we may confidently ask Him to do what He commands us to do. We may ask His Majesty to forgive this man who offended Him by putting such an obstacle in the way of the holy faith. Let us all pray to Him."

Y así, bajó del púlpito y encomendó a que muy devotamente suplicasen a nuestro Señor tuviese por bien de perdonar a aquel pecador y volverle en su salud y sano juicio y lanzar de él el demonio, si Su Majestad había permitido que por su gran pecado en él entrase.
And so he got down from the pulpit and urged them to pray very devoutly to Our Lord, asking Him to forgive that sinner and bring back his health and sanity and to cast the devil out of him if, because of his great sins, His Majesty had permitted one to go in.

Todos se hincaron de rodillas y delante del altar, con los clérigos, comenzaban a cantar con voz baja una letanía; y viniendo él con la cruz y agua bendita, después de haber sobre él cantado, el señor mi amo, puestas las manos al cielo y los ojos que casi nada se le parecía, sino un poco de blanco, comienza una oración no menos larga que devota, con la cual hizo llorar a toda la gente, como suelen hacer en los sermones de Pasión, de predicador y auditorio devoto, suplicando a Nuestro Señor, pues no quería la muerte del pecador, sino su vida y arrepentimiento, que aquél, encaminado por el demonio y persuadido de la muerte y pecado, le quisiese perdonar y dar vida y salud, para que se arrepintiese y confesase sus pecados.
They all got down on their knees in front of the altar, and with the clergy there they began to softly chant a litany. My master brought the cross and the holy water, and after he had chanted over him, he held his hands up to heaven and tilted his eyes upward so that the only thing you could see was a little of their whites. Then he began a prayer that was as long as it was pious. And it made all the people cry (just like the sermons at Holy Week, when the preacher and the audience are both fervent). And he prayed to God, saying that it was not the Lord's will to give that sinner death but to bring him back to life and make him repent. And since the man had been led astray by the devil but was now filled with the thought of death and his sins, he prayed to God to forgive him and give him back his life and his health so he could repent and confess his sins.

Y esto hecho, mandó traer la bula y púsosela en la cabeza. Y luego el pecador del alguacil comenzó poco a poco a estar mejor y tornar en sí. Y desque fue bien vuelto en su acuerdo, echóse a los pies del señor comisario y, demandándole perdón, confesó haber dicho aquello por la boca y mandamiento del demonio; lo uno, por hacer a él daño y vengarse del enojo; lo otro, y más principal, porque el demonio recibía mucha pena del bien que allí se hiciera en tomar la bula.
And when this was finished, he told them to bring over the indulgence, and he put it on the man's head. And right away that sinner of a constable got better, and little by little he began to come to. And when he was completely back in his senses, he threw himself down at the pardoner's feet and asked his forgiveness. He confessed that the devil had commanded him to say what he did and had put the very words in his mouth. First, to hurt him and get revenge. Secondly--and mainly--because the devil himself would really be hurt by all the good that could be done here if the pardons were bought up.

El señor mi amo le perdonó, y fueron hechas las amistades entre ellos. Y a tomar la bula hubo tanta prisa, que casi ánima viviente en el lugar no quedó sin ella: marido y mujer, y hijos y hijas, mozos y mozas.
My master forgave him, and they shook hands. And there was such a rush to buy up the pardons that there was hardly a soul in the whole place that didn't get one: husbands and wives, sons and daughters, boys and girls.

Divulgóse la nueva de lo acaecido por los lugares comarcanos y, cuando a ellos llegábamos, no era menester sermón ni ir a la iglesia, que a la posada la venían a tomar, como si fueran peras que se dieran de balde. De manera que, en diez o doce lugares de aquellos alrededores donde fuimos, echó el señor mi amo otras tantas mil bulas sin predicar sermón.
The news of what had happened spread around to the neighboring towns, and when we got to them, he didn't have to give a sermon or even go to the church. People came right up to the inn to get them as if they were going out of style. So in the ten or twelve places we went to around there, my master sold a good thousand indulgences in each place without even preaching a sermon.

Cuando él hizo el ensayo, confieso mi pecado, que también fui de ello espantado, y creí que así era, como otros muchos; mas con ver después la risa y burla que mi amo y el alguacil llevaban y hacían del negocio, conocí cómo había sido industriado por el industrioso y inventivo de mi amo.
While the "miracle" was happening, I have to admit that I was astonished, too, and I got taken in just like the others. But when I saw the way my master and the constable laughed and joked about the business later, I realized that it had all been cooked up by my sharp and clever master.

Y, aunque muchacho, cayóme mucho en gracia, y dije entre mí: «¡Cuántas de éstas deben hacer estos burladores entre la inocente gente!».

Finalmente, estuve con este mi quinto amo cerca de cuatro meses, en los cuales pasé también hartas fatigas, aunque me daba bien de comer, a costa de los curas y otros clérigos do iba a predicar.

And even though I was only a boy, it really amused me, and I said to myself: I'll bet these shysters do this all the time to innocent people.

Well, to be brief, I stayed with my fifth master about four months, and I had some hard times with him, too.

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